Download costs
Checking your usage and quota
How your quota is calculated
When your quota is all used up
What is counted
What is not counted
Internet Quota Home Page

The School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales runs a user- and host-based Internet quota system for all Internet traffic entering the school.

Quotas are imposed both daily and per-session and, for students, vary according to the number of classes in which they are enrolled.

Daily quotas are reset at around midnight each day, and session quotas are reset at the beginning of each session. Once you have exceeded your quota for the day or the session you will not be able to make any new connections to sites outside of the university, or perform any downloads from sites outside of the university until either your quota is reset or you purchase more quota.

To reflect the differing costs to the school of Internet traffic from Australia compared to that from the rest of the world, and to encourage the use of particular sites, the costs associated with downloads from different sites varies. See the link on the left-hand side of this page for more details.

Not all Internet usage is charged to your quota. For example, the amount of email you receive has no effect on your quota. Please check the appropriate link on the left-hand side of this page for more details.

How these Internet Quotas operate will vary from time to time depending on the costs associated with the school's Internet traffic, and also depending on the way the Internet is used (or abused) by our users. Please check these pages regularly to ensure that you are kept up-to-date.